Welcome to The Atheist Wife!

I’m Charla, an Atheist, former Christian, wife, and mother of three. First and foremost, this blog is not intended to bash or spread hate about Christianity, Christians, or churches. There is enough hate in this world already. The purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts from an atheist perspective on various topics, ask thought-provoking questions, and offer a sense of community for Atheist families. I hope to also clear up misunderstandings surrounding the Christian perception of Atheists.

Blog Posts

  • Finding Your Calm

    Making Decisions Atheists don’t have a universal book that we use to guide our lives. We don’t have a list of fundamental beliefs that we are expected to follow if we want to be part of a religious group. We don’t pray. We are completely responsible for our own lives and the choices we make.…

  • If God Were Real: An Opinion

    At the time of our birth, we know nothing about god, the bible, or religion. We are all born atheists. This is our default setting. The Book That Started it All At the time the bible was written, the scientific equipment and knowledge that we have today were not available, so very little was known…

  • Religious Trauma Syndrome

    Religion and Trauma Connection When we hear the word “trauma,” people typically think of physical trauma, or bodily injury occurring from an event like a car accident or acts of violence. However, trauma can be physical or emotional, and it can be caused by a number of things. Is it possible to experience trauma from…

  • Finding Your Calm

    Finding Your Calm

    Making Decisions Atheists don’t have a universal book that we use to guide our lives. We don’t have a list of fundamental beliefs that we are expected to follow if we want to be part of a religious group. We don’t pray. We are completely responsible for our own lives and the choices we make.…

    Read more: Finding Your Calm
  • If God Were Real: An Opinion

    If God Were Real: An Opinion

    At the time of our birth, we know nothing about god, the bible, or religion. We are all born atheists. This is our default setting. The Book That Started it All At the time the bible was written, the scientific equipment and knowledge that we have today were not available, so very little was known…

    Read more: If God Were Real: An Opinion
  • Religious Trauma Syndrome

    Religious Trauma Syndrome

    Religion and Trauma Connection When we hear the word “trauma,” people typically think of physical trauma, or bodily injury occurring from an event like a car accident or acts of violence. However, trauma can be physical or emotional, and it can be caused by a number of things. Is it possible to experience trauma from…

    Read more: Religious Trauma Syndrome
  • Dating: Finding The One

    Dating: Finding The One

    Love and Pain Love is one of the strongest, most intense emotions. It has the capacity to bring out the tenderness in the toughest of people, and it has the ability to toughen the most tender of people. Love is one of life’s greatest teachers, particularly when it is accompanied by pain. It takes us…

    Read more: Dating: Finding The One
  • Becoming Atheist

    Becoming Atheist

    Seed of Doubt Even though I went to church growing up, very little about Christianity really made sense to me. I was “saved” during church camp in middle school and subsequently baptized. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing or what I was being saved from. My friends were getting baptized, so I…

    Read more: Becoming Atheist